
Men's Zone

When analyzing skin structure, traditional approaches have focused on color and age. However, in recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the structural changes in the skin resulting from testosterone secretion, which has a significant impact on skin functions in men.

In the context of specific skin concerns, such as irritation, excessive shine of the epidermis, and deterioration of aesthetics related to loss of firmness and elasticity, the Rosafilo brand introduces an exclusive line of products dedicated to men. Our formulations have been carefully selected to match the unique pH of men’s skin, providing effective care tailored to their needs.


Pine and Abies Salt Body Scrub

Marine Salt Body Scrub


Pine and Herb with Silver Body Butter

Marine Body Butter

Pepper and Vanilla Body Butter


Relaxing Bath Salt

Forest Bath Salt

Archivento 1 Sp. z o.o. • ul. Orzechowa 17 • 75-637 Koszalin • Poland • tel. +48 517 092 319 • mail: info@rosafilo.com