Home sauna in the comfort of your
own bathroom? Create it yourself
with our blends!

Do you know what to do to keep your skin clean and elegant in any situation? As part of your SPA treatment carried out at home, you can use natural facial infusions available in our online store. Not only will they remove toxins and impurities from the skin, but also ensure better absorption of the beneficial active substances contained in peelings, masks or creams used as part of the next – after cleansing – stage of care.

Natural infusions for the face – dried flowers and herbs

The facial products we offer have a cleansing effect as they soften the epidermis, while unblocking the pores, which allows you to eliminate pimples and blackheads. The described action results from the presence of numerous active ingredients of purely natural origin. The skin treated in this way is properly prepared for subsequent treatments of the daily face care.

Steam bath – for all skin types

No matter what age you are and what features define your skin (dry, oily, combination, couperose, sensitive, etc.), you can try our natural products on yourself. They are especially recommended for people who struggle with irritations and skin imperfections. The hot steam reaches the deepest corners of the face, bringing the expected results. Unblocked pores, better skin tone, smoother complexion – all comes with using our products.

Natural infusions – a wide selection of compositions

The compositions we offer should not be missing in your home SPA! Products based on natural herbs and dried flowers are healing mixtures for the face affected by pollution and toxins. Margarita-jasmine and marigold-cornflower compositions deeply cleanse the skin, while having anti-inflammatory, protective, nourishing and smoothing properties. In addition to calendula or jasmine, their composition also includes, among others comfrey, orange flower, dandelion root, chamomile flower, marigold flower, yarrow or peony flower – the wealth of ingredients of natural origin.

Our products can also be used in SPA zones in hotels or beauty salons, delighting each client with their salutary effects.Facial steam is undoubtedly a simple and natural but very effective way to improve our appearance.

Regular cleansing of the skin with natural vapors has a beneficial effect on its condition – this is confirmed by the people who deal with cosmetics on a daily basis. Find out for yourself by choosing the products available on our website and create a SPA at home or pay a visit to spa and wellness centre.



Marigold & cornflower facial steam
Calendula-cornflower infusion for the face is a healing blend of flowers and herbs designed to help deeply cleanse our face.
Calendula & jasmine facial steam
Marvelously - jasmine infusion for the face is a healing blend of flowers and herbs designed to help deeply cleanse our face.